Missions Conference 2015
Posted by Alan on September 4, 2015
September 27 - 30, 2015
Missions: Where do you fit in? The thought of accomplishing the Great Commission is a daunting one. How will we communicate the Good News to every person on earth? It’s through a team effort as we “fit jointly together” through the body of Jesus Christ.
Every Christian has a part in accomplishing the Great Commission given by Jesus Christ. It's the focus of Missions Conference 2015. Where can you fit in? Perhaps it starts with attending this conference and learning about different ways people are reaching the lost around the world. Pray that you will recognize just how you fit into the worldwide mission of the Gospel.
Missions Conference 2015 kicks off Sunday morning at 9:15 am in the sanctuary. Our guest speaker is Paul Seger of Biblical Ministries Worldwide. Check out the schedule to see the other activities and services that are a part of the conference.
Guest Speaker Paul Seger
Paulhas served as the General Director of Biblical Ministries Worldwide since 1994. He
grew up in Nigeria where his parents served as missionaries for many years. After
graduating from Appalachian Bible College and Faith Baptist Bible College, Paul served as
assistant pastor at Community Baptist Church of Reidsville, North Carolina. The Segers
began their missionary service with Biblical Ministries Worldwide in 1975.
Paul’s wife, Joan, also grew up on the mission field as her parents served in Malawi and
Zimbabwe. Joan ministers to missionary ladies, missionary kids, and churches in the
United States. The Segers have two children, Ryan and Joanna, and presently live in
Atlanta, Georgia.
Prior to their current ministry, Paul and Joan served as missionary church planters for 17
years in South Africa. Their ministry focused upon the European population in that
country. Together the Segers formed a team to plant churches, disciple new believers, and
train leadership for the churches they established. They were involved in starting three
churches and training pastors through the Church Ministries Institute.
The focus of the Seger’s ministry is one of giving visionary leadership to Biblical Ministries
Worldwide (BMW) while helping the international workers served by BMW succeed in their
ministries. The Segers are committed to the strengthening of American churches and
assisting them toward greater mobilization and effective service on the mission fields of
the world.
9:15 a.m. - Adult Sunday School (sanctuary)
10:30 a.m. - Morning Service with Paul Seger
6:00 p.m. - Evening Service, Missions Report: Paul Seger
7:00 p.m. - Evening Service, Missions Report: Lee Whitworth
6:00 a.m. - Men's Breakfast
12:00 p.m. - Ladies' Luncheon
7:00 p.m. - Evening Service, Missions Report: Jim Sloan
12:00 p.m. - Keenager Luncheon
7:00 p.m. - Evening Service
7:00 p.m. - Children's Conference (K-6th grade)
Find out more about each event at the bottom of this page.
Mission Project
![Volunteers sort, pack, label, and seal donated items. BIEM shipping donation packing.PNG](/cc/files/cache/41dd2c98e4106e6cdd9dc296ca86fb9c_f428.PNG)
How can you fit in? One way is to donate items to send to Christians in Ukraine.
Items requested:
- shoes
- infant items (including clothes, bottles, pacifiers, etc.)(no perishables)
- toys
- winter wear
- medical equipment (no medicine)
- soccer, hockey, and basketball equipment
Donations are used by the church to help orphanages, needy families, and unsaved families who need to hear the Gospel. BIEM is filling a 40’ shipping container, so please give generously.
New or gently used items please. Bring the donations to the boxes located in the foyer. Each box will be marked with a certain donation category.
Considering that it takes $7-8k to ship a container to Ukraine, financial gifts will be used to help cover shipping.
Thanks for being a part of missions!
Missionary Guests
Jim & Joyce Sloan
minister to the deaf around the world. (Joyce is unable to attend.)
1953 Saved
1956 Called to work with Deaf
1956-58 Tennessee Temple Schools
1956-59 Special training for Deaf Ministry
1957-65 Missionary to black Deaf:TN, GA, AL
1965-72 Deaf Pastor, Wealthy St Baptist, MI
1972-76 Missionary, Deaf School, Jamaica, BIMI
1976-79 Special Ministries, Wealthy St Baptist, MI
1979-82 Staff Deaf Evangelist, Heritage Baptist, MI
1982-91 Pastor, Silent Bible Baptist, KS
1991- Evangelist to Deaf, COME, Grand Rapids, MI
Our ministries are focused on two goals: salvation of the Deaf and recruitment of Deaf/hearing to go
into all the WORLD to reach Deaf.
Ministries include: special meetings in America; videos/DVD training in
Sign language; captioned Videos; workshop/seminars; and foreign mission trips.
Lee & Diana Whitworth
Mormon Ministry in Utah
Lee & Diana both graduated from the Grand Rapids School of Bible & Music. Diana also graduated from Calvary Bible College. Lee is currently enrolled in a Masters course at Piedmont Intl University. They have been married since 1983, in pastoral ministry for 32 years, on the Utah/Idaho mission field since 1988. They have 8 children (seven girls) and one granddaughter. Lee is pastor of Payson Bible Church and Field Leader of the Utah/Idaho field for Biblical Ministries Worldwide (BMW). They enjoy reading, writing, 1-1 disciplining, hiking and woodworking.
Lee was born in Utah, and was led to faith in Christ by a BMW missionary pastor at age 9. After Bible School, he and Diana married near St Louis, and he served as a youth worker at Hope Bible Church in O'Fallon MO. Diana was born near St Louis and trusted Christ as a child. She was active in her youth group. In the Whitworth's early married years, Diana worked at the headquarters of Child Evangelism Fellowship. The missionaries of the BMW team were Lee's friends and mentors, and invited him to return to Utah. The Whitworths joined BMW in 1985.
Special Events
Each service, Paul Seger will be the guest speaker. The missionary families will each have a presentation that presents their ministry which will be featured in the evening services.
Men's Breakfast, Tuesday | 6:00 a.m.
$5. Men of every age are invited to breakfast and fellowship in the church gym. We'll have a wonderful hot breakfast and hear testimonies from Paul Seger, Lee Whitworth, and Jim Sloan. Pay at the door, but please sign up soon so we can save you a seat.
Ladies' Luncheon, Tuesday | 12:00 p.m.
Free. Ladies, join us for lunch and fellowship with missionary wife Diana Whitworth. Girls ages 5 and up are invited to attend with an adult.
- Please bring a salad from one of these categories: Green | Vegetable | Pasta | Meat | Fruit | Jello
- We'll provide the bread and dessert.
We're collecting monetary gifts for Diana Whitworth, and we'll present these gifts at the luncheon. Please place your donation in the designated box on the Missions Conference table. You can give even if you can't make it to the luncheon.
Let us know you are coming and sign up today!
Would you be willing to help with child care from 11:45-1:30? Please talk to Niki Gass ASAP or sign up at the Missions Conference table.
Keenager Luncheon (50+), Wednesday | 12:00 p.m.
$8.50 (pay when you sign up). You won't want to miss this Hog Wild catered dinner with the missionaries. They will share testimonies from the mission field that will encourage and challenge you. Sign up at the Missions Table in the church foyer.
Children's Conference, Wednesday | 7:00 p.m.
Free. Kids K-6th grade are welcome at the Children's Conference where they will meet the missionaries and hear fantastic stories from the mission field. Songs, games, crafts, and fun are all part of the recipe for this once-a-year event. Sign up at the Missions Table in the church foyer.