Merry Christmas!
We invite you to these special events during the Christmas season.
Soup Supper and Christmas Caroling
Friday, December 11 | 6:00 p.m.
Supper at 6:00
Bring soup or chili along with a dessert or "fixin's" (cheese, crackers, sour cream, etc.). Please bring enough for your family plus a little extra. We'll provide the drinks and dinnerware.
Caroling at 7:00
We're headed out into the community to carol at local businesses. We'll also visit some nursing homes and shut-ins to spread Christmas cheer. Dress warm! We'll take the church vans and bus.
Dessert at 8:00
Return to the church gym to warm up with friends and dessert!
Christmas Vespers Service
Sunday, December 13 | 6:00 p.m.
This is one of our favorite Christmas services - a night of worshiping Christ through music.
If you are interested in participating in the Vespers service through playing or singing music, sign up on the sheet by the office. If you are musician 8th grade or lower, consider playing in the special prelude to the service. Contact Pastor Fuller with questions.
Chris-Myth Busters - Joy Singers Christmas Play
Sunday, December 20 | 6:00
The Joy Singers children's choir presents Chris-Myth Busters.
As Mrs. Edwards prepares her home for Christmas with the help of some young volunteers, the girls learn that there is a difference between knowing the facts of the Christmas story and understanding the truth of Christmas. The Joy Singers choir present the gospel through drama and music - great new music as well as beloved favorites.