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7 ways you can be a part of the Fall Harvest Festival

Posted by Alan on October 17, 2014

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It’s almost here. No, not Christmas (although it will be here soon enough), Fall Harvest Festival 2014! We have a lot of fun planned, and you can help! We hope to serve the community and our church family through this event by providing a night of fun and festivities in a safe and exciting atmosphere.

7 ways you can help:

  1. Pray – this event needs God’s power to make it worth doing. All the preparation, building, designing, promoting, and participating doesn’t mean much if God is left out.

  2. Bring candy – kids come to Fall Harvest Festival anticipating candy, and lots of it! Providing candy presents another opportunity to connect with them. (Go ahead and place it in the barrel in the foyer marked "Fall Harvest Candy")

  3. Bring more candy – okay, you get the idea.

  4. Volunteer – the Fall Harvest Festival revolves around carnival style, hands-on games. Design, build, and operate a game booth that kids will enjoy. The Registration Team represents our 1st impression to those coming to the event. Smiling faces a requirement! The Snack Staff keeps the treats coming. Join this team to keep parents and kids filled up on something besides candy.

  5. Participate – come join in the fun on the evening of the Fall Harvest Festival. Meet new people, show the love of Christ, and have a great time. If you have kids – bring them too!

  6. Promote – tell your neighbors, mention it on Facebook, and hand out flyers (available by the church office).

  7. Bring food for the Food Drive – it’s for the Heaven’s Hands food pantry here in Derby.

Sign up on the list by the office if you want to run a game. Contact Pastor Bowman if you want to help on the Registration Team or Snack Staff. Please remember to pray. See you there!