Home > Ministries > Calvary Service Ministry


Do you have a spiritual, physical, or practical need?

Do you wish to be part of a ministry that meets needs?

Consider the Calvary Service Ministry.

Service is a core value of Calvary: 

We are committed to using our time, talent and treasure to help members in need and one another to grow spiritually
The Calvary Service Ministry aims to fulfill this commitment through an organized ministry that meets spiritual, physical and practical needs.

Ministry Categories:
    • Home care - transportation, sitter, companion, encourager, provider of meals, minor home cleaning
    • House and yard care - minor repair and upkeep of house; short term lawn care
    • Car care - minor repairs and short term maintenance
    • Relational - advocate for pastoral counseling
    • Medical - advocate/sitter in hospital; post hospital home care
    • Financial - counseling, helping with budget, debt
    • Miscellaneous - computer, child care

I have a need!

Contact Dean Youngberg (316-EightFourOne-1065)

or Leah Howell (316-ThreeNineZero-9423)

or the Church Office (316-788-0864)

How can I help?

Volunteer to serve in one of the above categories.


Contact Dean Youngberg (316-EightFourOne-1065)

or Leah Howell (316-ThreeNineZero-9423)