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Awana Games 2014!

Posted by Alan on March 27, 2014

Sparks-A-Rama. Awana Games. One of the biggest days of the Awana year. Kids from all over central Kansas parade into the gym to the cheers of family and friends, like a mini Olympics opening ceremony. 

The kids have worked several weeks preparing for this day. Learning games and rules, practicing skills over and over, listening to and obeying coaches. As well as saying a set number of sections to be eligible to play. 


Come support our Sparks and T&T teams as they compete in these games. They need encouragement to play hard, have good sportsmanship, and exhibit Christ-like attitudes. 

It's at the Valley Center Middle School Gym. 

Saturday, April 5, 2014
800 N Meridian Street
Valley Center, KS
$2 admission fee (under 18 are free)
Sparks-A-Rama; 9:00am
T&T Awana Games; 10:30am


Our Awana Teams did a great job! Here's a little bit of the action!

Awana Games 2014 from CBCks.