Home > Staff > The Pulpit Committee > Pastoral Candidate Questionnaire






In examining the Bible's qualification for pastors (I Timothy 3; Titus 1:5-9; I Peter 5:1-4), which are your strong qualities? With which requirements do you have the most trouble?

A pastor is charged by God to preach to the church and to shepherd people in a more individual way. Which aspect of the ministry applies to you the most? What are some specific ways you could be helped with your skills in either of these areas?
What are your methods for involving yourself in the lives of your people as their shepherd and overseer of their souls?
What does effective discipleship look like? What are some key elements that should be included in a discipleship process? What role does counseling play in the church’s overall discipleship strategy?
Explain some general ideas about how a church could develop a comprehensive discipleship program for its members.
How would you counsel parents seeking help because of their unruly child?
Write 3 paragraphs describing how you would work with someone struggling in each of the following areas:

  • Depression
  • Sexual Abuse
  • Suicide
  • LGBT

How should a Biblical Counselor approach the issue of medication for behavioral and psychiatric issues?
What activities characterize your evangelistic interests? What is your approach to personal evangelism? Corporate evangelism?
How would you describe a successful pastor?  How would you describe a successful church?
How is the pastor held accountable? What relationships in your life provide accountability for responsible attitudes and behavior, both personally and as a pastor?
What steps do you follow in leading an individual to Christ?
What are some of the most important ideas and practices that you think cultivate health in the local church?
What are the essential elements of a healthy church?
How do you think churches grow biblically?
How would you describe your style of preaching? If you use any terms like “expository” or “topical” please explain what you mean by those terms.
What is your style of leadership? (Hands on, laid back, quick paced, CEO, facilitator)?




What is your view of the baptism in filling of the Holy Spirit?
What is your view of speaking in tongues?
What is true biblical repentance?
What is true biblical faith?
What are your views concerning divine election/human responsibility?
Please explain your view of sanctification?
Do you believe in a literal heaven and a literal hell?
What does the Bible teach concerning spiritual gifts? What is your spiritual gift?
What is your view of divorce and remarriage?
What are your requirements for performing a marriage ceremony?
What is your view of abortion?
What is your view on homosexuality?
What is your understanding of Christian liberty?
Are you familiar with the view known as “KJV Only”? If so, do you personally hold that view? If you do not hold that view, what translation do you prefer to use?
What are your views on tithing and church giving?
Do you have any convictions about the local church in debt?
What does the Bible teach about women in pastoral ministry?
What are the biblical responsibilities of elders? Are there any distinctions between elders, pastors, and bishops?
What are the biblical responsibilities of deacons? How are deacons and elders to relate to one another?
What are your views of church discipline? Have you ever been involved in a church discipline procedure?
Are there any points in our doctrinal statement that you would not or could not support?
What is your understanding of what the Bible teaches about drinking alcohol?


Why do you believe God wants you in the pastorate?
How does your wife feel about your commitment to pastoring?
How does your family feel about you being in the ministry?
Have you been married before?
How do you picture your spouse's involvement in the ministry?
What is your attitude toward the privacy of your home and family?
Do you practice hospitality in your home with people from the church? If so, how often?
What are your specific and regular practices regarding the spiritual disciplines?  (Personal prayer, Bible study, meditation, memorization)
Who are your favorite Christian writers?
Do you presently have any financial debt?
Do you have any root of bitterness towards other people?
Have you ever had any difficulties with depression, moodiness, anxiety, or other difficulties?
Do you lose your temper easily?
What do you do to maintain your health?
Do you drink alcohol of any kind (liquor, wine, beer, etc.), smoke, chew tobacco, or gamble?
Are you part of any secret oath society?
Where do you stand on Christian school education/public school education/home school education?
How do you respond to criticism?
What areas of ministry do you feel most experienced and competent?
What do you think are your weaknesses?
What do you do in your spare time?